Celtic GlorySpiritual

An Ancient Portal

An Ancient Portal: Talgarth

An Ancient Portal: Talgarth 

Talgarth churchyard is the site where King Brychan probably held court and Howell Harris saw revival.

I’m praying in the churchyard of Talgarth church with a friend when I hear in the Spirit, the phrase: ‘The Annals of the Righteous Kings’. Annals are the historical records of the activities of a country or history in general.

The Lord continues speaking as though reading from the annals, ‘They prayed down the generations. They prayed for those who followed after them. They prayed for those yet to come and even for the last generation, the ones who would be on earth at Jesus’ return. They knew you would need strengthening. They understood the battle and the need for protection and covering prayer. They released a prayer canopy which can still be accessed. You are not confined or restricted to the prayers of those alive.

In this place many years ago, men and women of God were on their faces in worship and prayer. Their joy was in Jesus and him alone. They were willing to go out far and wide sharing this faith, this belief, this hope.

You tread in their footsteps.’

At this point I have a vision where I see a king (who I instinctively recognise as King Brychan) with a staff standing on a mountain top beyond Talgarth. He is declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ. He points his staff N, S, E, W.

red kite

At this same time, three red kites (birds) fly towards us and circle overhead going higher and higher and higher on the thermals until they can’t be seen they are so far up.  All the time swifts are swooping around the churchyard in fast aerodynamic displays. The whole activity of the birds seems to mirror the experience in the Spiritual realm, pointing to clear sight and access to Heaven in this ‘thin’ place.

My friend felt there was an ancient Spiritual portal in the churchyard and that the Celtic Christians had accessed it as a safe place to be with Jesus. It certainly seems this might be the case.


