Celtic GlorySpiritual

St Just Roseland

St Just in Roseland Holy Well

St just roseland across creek

Location SW848 356

St Just in Roseland is a uniquely magical setting. It is instantly clear why someone would want to live here and establish a Christian presence. The site is at the head of a beautiful creek. The church, built on an ancient site, sits overlooking the creek. St Just’s holy well is a few strides along the bank set back from the creek down a short path where the spring feeds into a well house and provides sparklingly clear water.

There is a story that Joseph of Arimathea landed here with Jesus when he was a boy of about 11 , on their way to Glastonbury. St Just himself was the son of St Geraint another Celtic saint.

When I visited the holy well with my friend, I was once again aware that the whole churchyard permeates peace and solace. Many people are drawn here who are not religious because it has a silent magnetism. They’re not even aware why they are wanting to come. It goes beyond beauty and the natural setting to a deeper presence of God in the grounds of the church and at the holy well.

St just roseland creek


St just well sign

When I’m praying at the well I hear the Holy Spirit whispering, ‘Come to me you who are weary, all who are heavy laden and thirsty. I will give you rest.’ The sense I have at this well is of compassion. I even sense an angel wrapping it’s wings around me from behind and bringing rest. The angels I can see around the well are very gentle, softly moving, almost feminine in golden white robes. I don’t see any wings. They exude peace, mercy and a kind welcoming. Yet my friend discerned that many don’t even notice that Jesus is here waiting for them. It’s as though he’s laid a table for them to feast at and the angels are there to lead them to it but people don’t notice. Whilst we were there several couples approached the holy well, peered in and walked off, not lingering, probably wondering what it was all about but not really interested.

St just rose land well

How sad that a place where miracles occurred, even resurrections from the dead is given barely a moment by those who come today. Visiting these places has nothing to do with superstition, or the water, or the natural beauty of the setting itself. It is about the ancient deposit of gold from God in this place in the Spirit realm. It’s a place to stay and pray and ask God to refresh you. It’s a place to ask Jesus to reveal his true self to you and to companionably meet with him. It’s truly a holy place.

St just roseland well water
