Celtic GlorySpiritual

St Bryvyths well

St Bryvyth Holy Well, Lanlivery

It takes a bit of detective work to find this lovely well of St Bryvyth in Lanlivery Cornwall. The footpath directly leading from the bottom of the churchyard, crossing the lane leads down an ancient track. Suddenly you seem to step back in time even though it runs between the garden of The Crown pub and Redmoor School. The school have fenced off their land to secure the children’s safety but as we followed directions passed the school buildings on our left and into open woodland, we realised the well was probably within the school land. It was a non school day so we back tracked to a gate which was unlocked and followed the path directly to the well house. It’s hidden within marshy woodland by a tiny spring right on the land boundary. It was in very good repair and full of water albeit a bit silted up.

St bryvyths lanlivery site

The birdsong and activity was very loud and I was delighted to see a greater spotted woodpecker. At the well itself a robin paid us close attention. I couldn’t initially settle or discern much except the activity of some dark forces but putting these aside we lifted up the name of Jesus in worship and song. Immediately a wren joined in. This is happening at so many wells now that it’s no longer a coincidence. The birds even seemed drawn to the worship of God. The dog, as usual, was fascinated by the water in the well and outlet stream.

St bryvyth lanlivery

As I raised my arms in worship to Jesus, I felt an angel lay his hands on my outstretched palms. He was much taller than me but my main attention was on what Jesus was saying, so I didn’t try to discern more. I was instructed to declare the Lordship of Jesus over and over, which we did., the wren singing with us throughout.  A wave of joy seemed to be released and a peace descended as we prayed once more for the flow of God’s Spirit to be released from whatever deposit of prayers remains in this site And for whatever reason an angel remains by the well.

St bryvths lanlivery
St bryvyth lanlivery
