Celtic GlorySpiritual

Lansallos Well

Lansallos Holy Well, Cornwall, UK

Lansallos holy well 3

Lansallos holy well can be found down an ancient lane adjacent to the main church. There's a well worn path off the main track leading to the well. 

Lansallos holy well path

Apparently there used to be a chapel dedicated to St Peter in a field above it. When we visited the spring was running clear but it's obviously been previously piped and sadly detritus remains which spoils the well. Nevertheless we settled to pray and see what God would say. It was a lovely early Spring day and as we worshipped in song birds joined in loudly. A wren and robin both sang at the top of their voices and their delightful tunes mingled with our songs of praise and the burble of the stream from the well.

Lansallos holy well 2

Tucked in the corner under a cliff, the spring still seems to be in some kind of enclosure with low walls around an area of land. The atmosphere was joyous and peaceful, full of God, a place where you wanted to worship Jesus and linger, despite being muddy and overgrown. A tangible peace hangs in the air and a sense that God is near.

Lansallos holy well

I sense angels before I can 'see' them in the Spirit. There's just an awareness of God's presence very strongly. As I acknowledged Jesus and raised my arms in praise I realised there was a blue angel in front of the well and suddenly a rainbow waterfall seemed to cascade down from heaven.  I don't know what it is, perhaps the garments of other angels, or some heavenly unction but it was very beautiful. However, the main sense about this well is it's a place of joy and peace. I gather in the past it was well visited and known for healings. I can well believe it as it still seems to be uncapped and flowing in the Spirit, guarded by the beautiful angel. 
