Celtic GlorySpiritual

Cardinham Church

Cardinham Church, Cardinham, Cornwall

Cardinham Church, Cardinham, Cornwall

cardinham church lan


This church sits in the centre of Cardinham village on a raised circular enclosure (lan) showing evidence of the original Celtic prayer oratory site. There are two Celtic stone crosses in the churchyard, the one by the main entrance is a magnificent specimen, intricately carved and in a good condition. The other has seen rougher days and been repaired but is much older.

cardinham celtic cross

Inside, the church is peaceful and full of the atmosphere of God. As I lingered there, I had no desire for words but just to sit peaceably in communion with Jesus. After some while I became aware that it was as if I were sitting at the feet of Jesus with my head in his lap and he was gently stroking my hair, like a Father would with a young child. It was very soothing and stresses I’d entered the ah with fell away. At some point I then became aware of a very large red angel. I couldn’t see it clearly, but sensed it had its wings open wide and was in the posture that a mother hen takes when protecting its young. An atmosphere of safety, protection, peace, and wellbeing was the result, mirroring what I sense Jesus was doing in ministering to my spirit and soul.

cardinham stained glass

This is a church I want to return to and see what more God wants to reveal about the ancient deposit still residing on the land.

Three Celtic saints are associated with Cardinham. The church is dedicated to the hermit Meubred, a son of an Irish King. Little is known except he was martyred by beheading. He was a contemporary of Wyllow (Lanteglos) and Mannacus, both of whom were also martyred by beheading. Whatever truths are lost in the mists of time, there was clearly a Celtic Christian community on this site and a place of prayer. That deposit remains on the land for us to pick up.
