Celtic GlorySpiritual

Cardinham Well

Cardinham Holy Well, Cornwall

Cardinham Holywell sign

Cardinham Well, Trezance, Cornwall 

Location: SX125694 Landranger OS Map

This holy well is not particularly easy to find as it is set back from the lane. However there is a grass path adjacent to the entrance to Trezance Farm outside of Cardinham on the Millpool road. A small sign, not visible from the lane, indicates this is the site of the holy well. Follow the grass path and within a few metres you will see the site of the well.

We visited in June and it was still very muddy so good footwear is needed. There are large stepping stones leading to the well structure which is made of blocks of granite. There is a large well house, one of the largest in Cornwall, which is very dark inside and I was glad to have a torch with me. The water is quite shallow, clean, freely flowing and exits into a fast flying stream. The whole site is surrounded by trees and a bank. There was originally a chapel here but this has been dismantled in the 19th century and stones were used in the local farm house.

It is a quiet place and you feel as though you’ve stepped back into time with just birdsong, the sound of the stream and leafy trees all around.

Cardinham holy well site

We sat on the granite blocks for awhile. It was really easy to worship. It was a beautiful experience and it felt like this was a place of God’s presence and purity.  It was also a place of deep peace and rest. I felt pressures fall away.

After a while I began to ask God what was going on in the spiritual realm.

My eyes opened and I saw a small procession of human sized angels walking along the stream towards the well house, carrying bowls.       

Cardinham well house

I’m also aware that there is an angel in armour with his wings outstretched actually guarding the well entrance. He allows the angels to enter one at a time. I watch one come out carrying a bowl. The back of my hands feel warm and at first I think it is the Holy Spirit until I realise it is the angel getting my attention. He hands me the bowl of water to drink. Prophetically and by faith I take it and drink the contents of the bowl. I’m told to not doubt and to drain every drop. It feels a bit strange acting out this prophetic act, yet I know that God looks for faith. After all, this is happening in the realm of the Spirit. I sense the angel is wanting me to drink and to be refreshed when I hear the words, “health and vitality be restored“. And suddenly I found myself crying from the weariness and heart longing that I’ve been carrying recently and I was able to release the pain honestly to God.

The scripture ‘Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit’ says the Lord, comes to mind. I linger and allow the Spirit of God to restore and refresh me in this beautiful place where Christians have prayed for years and many have come on pilgrimage before me.

This is a well that is open to God’s Spirit still. It is easy to connect with Jesus here and there is a strong deposit in the Spirit realm of rest, peace and angelic activity. Definitely a place to linger.



