Celtic GloryHistory

St Bernard's Well

St Bernard's Well, Trethosa Well, Cornwall, UK

We decided to try to visit the area where a couple of holy wells once existed but have disappeared due to mining for China Clay in the St Austell area of Cornwall, UK. Knowing that sometimes there's still a residue, a deposit of prayers in the Spirit realm, we went hunting. Firstly we went to the tiny hamlet of Trethosa, St Stephen in Brannel. The well was situated where there is now a cluster of houses, so we pulled aside a little away from them. Other than it being very peaceful there was no significant happening to report. Interestingly though a large Methodist Chapel (now a residential dwelling) had been built just a little way from where the well once was. This can sometimes be evidence of a well reopening. However, for us, there was not much to report so we moved on.

St Bernard’s holy well

St Bernard's Well, at Nanpean was on land now built on by the China Clay industry. Interestingly, here too there was a mission church built directly opposite where the well had been. The water course which fed the well was still flowing and really beautiful. It was a strange juxtaposition, this beautiful, flower filled stream gushing along the perimeter of industrial land. You could almost step back in time and ignore the ugliness of the mining legacy and sense what must have been here before. I settled to pray, just to see if there was any legacy remaining. Surprisingly it was very easy to worship and pray here. I loved it. 

Nanpean st Bernard’s holy well site

Then suddenly the Holy Spirit told me to strike the ground three times and run! What a weird instruction. However, I never knowingly disobey, even when I don't understand. I obeyed and immediately a blackbird burst into loud song. I'd been praying for the river of Life to flow once more in Cornwall. The bird song often aligns with holy places and these little signs, if we notice them, are sent along the way as encouragement.

So, not a startling revelation but a delightful little sojourn.

Nanpean st Bernard’s holy well site
